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How to Improve Student Academic Writing: A Guide for Teachers & Mentors

How to Improve Student Academic Writing: A Guide for Teachers & Mentors

I’ve written this post for academic mentors, but of course students can also use the guidelines to improve their writing skills! Supporting students in academic writing goes beyond fixing grammar. Many struggle with essay structure, thesis development, and critical thinking. Read on for some clear strategies for teachers and mentors who’d like to improve their […]

The Real Barrier to Writing (and How to Help Overcome It)

The Real Barrier to Writing (and How to Help Overcome It)

Ever stared at a blank page, wondering where to start? You’re not alone. Many of the writers I work with arrive with the same problem. Often, they’ve been left with powerful writing anxiety from school, and so a lack of writing confidence. Others can begin but have no idea how to move beyond a raw […]

The Gift of Story: An Alternative Christmas Approach

The Gift of Story: An Alternative Christmas Approach

It’s the thought that counts. That’s what people say, and sometimes mean. The people in your life who usually mean it the most are those with lots of stuff – people like grandparents. I remember giving my Nana soap, and even at eight years old, noticing her ‘Not another one’ face. And now that I’m […]

Unlock Your Creativity: Embrace the Power of Writing with Constraints

Unlock Your Creativity: Embrace the Power of Writing with Constraints

We’ve all been there—navigating the unspoken rules of writing, whether it’s the mandated tone of a work email or changing your language when texting friends versus your mum about your plans for the night. But what happens when the rules are so tight they feel like a straitjacket? Instead of stifling your creativity, these constraints […]

Decoding the Assignment: A Guide to Reading Between the Lines

Decoding the Assignment: A Guide to Reading Between the Lines

One of my senior students once came up with what he called the “Bulls*** Theory.” His idea was simple: if you haven’t studied (and he rarely had), use the question as a springboard to craft the most elegant, formal, and fluent English you can muster, and fool your examiner into thinking you know what you’re […]

Thinking About Blogging? Start Here

Thinking About Blogging? Start Here

Some of us (like me) remember card catalogues. You know, the ones in libraries where you pulled open a long wooden drawer and flicked through cards organised by subject or author. Nowadays, information is just a few keystrokes away – as is everybody’s opinion about everything. Blogs combine the two: information and opinion. A good […]

How to Write an Essay – and Why

How to Write an Essay – and Why

You’ve had lots of advice about how to write an essay. You’ve been given templates and organising principles.  You’ve seen formulae for the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The advice has been sensible and specific. So why, when you sit down to write that dreaded essay, does it still feel impossible? WHY write the essay? […]

How to Write a Wedding Speech

How to Write a Wedding Speech

Someone’s getting married! It’s wonderful – you’re celebrating a relationship with a party. There’s just one thing that’s getting in the way of having a good time. That’s right. You’re going to have to (Jaws music please…) deliver a speech, to all to those people you’ve invited. Even thinking about it makes your gorge rise […]